Friday, January 25, 2013

Where are the 1099 User Guide and Year End Guide?

While we emailed out our two guides related to Year End closing and procedures including the 1099 Reporting User’s Guide and the Year End Closing User’s Guide, you can also find these guides on our User’s Portal within the training/implementation page and then the Users Guides tab shown below (Advantage section at the bottom).  With over ninety guides and procedures on the Advantage User’s Portal, it’s a great resource.  Everything from Invoice Printing, Billing Rates and Flags, to Trade for Goods & Services Special Procedure and how to handle Freelancers has information available.  Coming soon to a website near you is a new, improved User’s Portal!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Does your Agency Management Software integrate with your bank and credit card company for seamless payment processing and other benefits?  Advantage does. Learn about the Advantage Payment Manager program’s electronic payment options, and how the Advantage partnership with CSI Virtual Mastercard can result in cash rewards!  Contact us at  Check out the Partners page for more information on CSI Virtual Mastercard.

Monday, January 7, 2013


Advantage Software tracks all  your time including paid time off (PTO) with ease and accuracy.  Advantage allows you to create your own rules for accruing PTO by level and for various types of time.  Time accrues automatically each month through a service, allowing you to set it and forget it! You gain efficiency and you always have an accurate view of employee availability for the entire agency.  Contact us at to learn how your agency can take advantage of these great features, and more!