Thursday, May 29, 2014

Do you know if you really need that freelancer?

Using Advantage agency management software for project management means instant access to information related to tasks, deadlines, risks, revenue, resources, and capacity.  Get up-to-the-minute statistics on employee availability and allocation that you can use to make quick decisions on staffing, and more!  For more information, contact us at

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Advantage Alerts and Assignments

Is your agency in-sync and in-harmony at all times?  If not, you might want to take a look at using Advantage Alerts and Assignments as part of your overall agency management plan.  If half of your ‘to do’ list is in your Email Inbox,  if you are losing communications, missing deadlines, and would like to see exactly where every assignment stands, you will benefit from implementing this simple and effective feature.  Alerts and Assignments automate, centralize, and completely organize everything you do, in every department. Contact us at for more information.