You can now focus, not on data entry, but on what’s more important: better management of your own time and your agency’s cash flow.
Accounts Payable Key Features:
- Real-time processing for all records. Full audit trail of transactions.
- Importing of Accounts Payable and Income Only records.
- Easy entry, multiple disbursements in a single record, GL account defaults, and controls that ensure accuracy.
- Purchase Order and Insertion Order matching and auto-load features.
- Alerts and controls that help you manage costs that exceed purchase orders and approved estimates.
- Access to related information directly from the payable record including payments, disbursements and related GL entries.
- Automate approvals and store an electronic copy of the paper invoice with every record.
- Check Writing is very capable in helping you select exactly what to pay. Select payables by vendor, media type, client and "paid by client" status. View payable history and disbursements directly from the check writing approval windows. Process electronic transfers and manual invoices from one versatile application.
- Void Checks tracks all activity and places payables back to their original state in one step.
- Protect yourself by sending Positive Pay information to your bank electronically.
- Vendor Queries provide yet another way for you to view accounts payable details and status from a single location. Multiple drill-downs to all levels of detail plus matching reports give you everything you need to get instant, accurate information.
- Bank Reconciliation is completely automated and even integrated with all transactions including cleared records from your bank.
- Real-time processing for all records. Full audit trail of transactions.
- Flexible and simple data entry allows you to quickly post cash to client invoices or on account.
- Modifications are done without removing or reversing the original check.
- Track both client and other cash receipts in a single application.
- Client AR Queries provide a way for you to view payment history and open invoices from a single location. Multiple drill-downs to all levels of detail plus matching reports give you everything you need to get instant, accurate information.
- AR Statements may be sent to clients electronically with a single click.
- Multiple reports and browser-based Desktop Objects provide valuable information to accounting, account service and other staff members instantly.