Wednesday, January 25, 2012

New Agency Business Management Report Writer Features inside Advantage blue Software

Advantage blue ad agency software launches on February 3, 2012 with our general release for ad agencies and businesses that need powerful project management software matched with incredible business software supported by thousands of custom reports.

You already know that Advantage Software’s reporting options include flexible formatting of forms such as job orders, creative briefs, spec sheets, work orders, change orders, client invoices and estimates, as well as vendor forms like purchase orders and media orders. The popular Auto-Email PDF feature delivers custom forms to your clients or vendors with a single click!

With the release of Advantage blue, many Advantage clients are looking forward to the new Report Writer.  The Report Writer features include easy-to-use Dynamic Reports as well as an Advanced Report Writer that gives you the same features used by professional report writers.

Instead of writing code from scratch, blue includes pre-defined data sets for the most commonly requested report types! Contact Advantage for information or to setup training.

For more information about Advantage blue and the software general release on February 3, 2012, please contact Advantage Software at 1-800-841-2078 or visit our blue website at