Friday, July 30, 2010

Ad Agency Project Management Software Eliminates Multiple Manual Systems

Project management capabilities at your agency help you manage information and communications.  Your clients demand it.  A successful launch and management of a client campaign demands it.  Yet project management is many times an elusive goal that we chase because "we're way too busy."

Now imagine a single source for tracking everything from the creative process to job specifications, work orders, change orders, cost estimates, schedules, events, alertassociated documents and more. View media calendars and schedules online. And, view project and media budgets compared to actuals from a single online desktop object.  Pretty cool, huh!
The Advantage Software Company has developed one of the most flexible and powerful project management software suites that virtually eliminates multiple manual systems and brings important time-saving information to the fingertips of every staff member.

It all starts with our unique Job Jacket templates which you design to go with "your" workflow, based on the type of work being done. From there, add your own creative briefs, job specifications, work orders and changes orders based on your company's specific requirements. Budgets and media are managed along with projects from the browser-based interfaces that allow you to work from anywhere, anytime. Media is full-featured and completely integrated providing streamlined and managed control.

Project Management Key Features:

  • Campaigns for tracking individual budgets for both production and media projects.
  • The Job Jacket is the central point for all activities. Create your own job "templates" that allow you to open and track jobs based on the type of work being done. Store multiple versions and revisions and access all job-related information from a single screen.
  • Job Orders include the creative brief, production specifications, media specifications, work orders, change orders and schedule information on a single report which may be distributed electronically.
  • Creative Briefs store the creative instructions in your format for centralized access.
  • Job Specifications provide staff members and vendors with detailed specifications about the project.
  • Job Versions allow you to track Work Orders or Change Orders as they occur in the workflow process.
  • Document Attachments allow you to attach and track documents, files and other digital assets.
  • Alerts, topic management and Wiki-type features provide communication and collaboration tools to organize and track information that include your internal and client comments.
  • Project Scheduling streamlines the traffic process with dozens of time-saving features designed to automate this important aspect of your business.
  • Estimating helps you create more accurate client estimates using advanced features such as vendor pricing sheets; vendor quote/bid requests and estimating based on job history. Track an unlimited number of vendor bids for comprehensive comparison and analysis.
  • Purchase Order Tracking enables you to control and track costs assocated with project vendors as well as house vendors. Purchase Order Approval ensures control.
We invite you to join us for a free tour and online demonstration of our Project Management tools and our suite of powerful Advantage Software tools. Please call us today at (800) 841-2078 or email our Regional Sales Managers: Dominique Lacerte - or Mike McGee - . We look forward to serving your agency needs soon!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Ad Agency Payables & Receivables Software Breakthrough!

Hello Ad Agency Software users!  Saving time and providing quick access to accurate information are the goals of every accounting department. The Advantage Software Company has simplified the Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable processes for your advertising, PR and creative agency!

You can now focus, not on data entry, but on what’s more important: better management of your own time and your agency’s cash flow.

Accounts Payable Key Features:

  • Real-time processing for all records. Full audit trail of transactions.
  • Importing of Accounts Payable and Income Only records.
  • Easy entry, multiple disbursements in a single record, GL account defaults, and controls that ensure accuracy.
  • Purchase Order and Insertion Order matching and auto-load features.
  • Alerts and controls that help you manage costs that exceed purchase orders and approved estimates.
  • Access to related information directly from the payable record including payments, disbursements and related GL entries.
  • Automate approvals and store an electronic copy of the paper invoice with every record.
  • Check Writing is very capable in helping you select exactly what to pay. Select payables by vendor, media type, client and "paid by client" status. View payable history and disbursements directly from the check writing approval windows. Process electronic transfers and manual invoices from one versatile application.
  • Void Checks tracks all activity and places payables back to their original state in one step.
  • Protect yourself by sending Positive Pay information to your bank electronically.
  • Vendor Queries provide yet another way for you to view accounts payable details and status from a single location. Multiple drill-downs to all levels of detail plus matching reports give you everything you need to get instant, accurate information.
  • Bank Reconciliation is completely automated and even integrated with all transactions including cleared records from your bank.
Accounts Receivable Key Features:

  • Real-time processing for all records. Full audit trail of transactions.
  • Flexible and simple data entry allows you to quickly post cash to client invoices or on account.
  • Modifications are done without removing or reversing the original check.
  • Track both client and other cash receipts in a single application.
  • Client AR Queries provide a way for you to view payment history and open invoices from a single location. Multiple drill-downs to all levels of detail plus matching reports give you everything you need to get instant, accurate information.
  • AR Statements may be sent to clients electronically with a single click.
  • Multiple reports and browser-based Desktop Objects provide valuable information to accounting, account service and other staff members instantly.
We invite you to join us for a free tour and online demonstration of Payables & Receivables and our suite of powerful Advantage Software tools. Please call us today at (800) 841-2078 or email our Regional Sales Managers: Dominique Lacerte - or Mike McGee - We look forward to serving your agency needs soon!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Flexible Ad Agency Software with Online Client Billing!

All ad agencies, pr agencies, creative agencies and other advertising organizations know the frustrations with billing your clients.  The paper trail can be lost, abused, and destroyed.  It makes everybody frustrated, especially your clients!

At The Advantage Software Company we have developed an Online Billing Solution within our software programs that can virtually eliminate costly and embarrassing mistakes and hassles when it comes to correctly billing your clients. 

We simply call this robust software feature, Client Billing.

Streamline the billing process and get a handle on income while you deliver custom invoice formats and statements to your clients electronically. Start with Online Billing Approval where project details are viewed and billing instructions are issued electronically!

The Billing Command Center provides a unique, single-source interface for viewing, analyzing, selecting, processing and delivering client billing. The entire billling process including reconcilation and job closing is streamlined and consolidated through this application.

Client Billing Key Features from our Advantage Software include:
  • Online Billing Approvals are a great alternative to the traditional paper trail created with production billing. Account executives play a larger role in the billing process by communicating with billers online as the first step in the billing process.
  • Billing Reports are available in dozens of formats where both production and media details may be analyzed in-depth before adjustments are made and invoices are processed. This same information is available in Online Billing Approvals!
  • Adjustments and Transfers are used to view Online Billing Approval details and make appropriate adjustments before billing is processed. These tools allow adjustments to client billing while maintaining job costs and a complete audit trail of transactions.
  • Easily transfer job time across companies, and hard costs across offices.
  • Advance Billing includes multiple income recognition and reconciliation options to completely automate that process and give complete control over the results. Job forecasts play a role in helping you determine percent complete and that monthly reconciliation figure.
  • Media is advance billed by default but may be post billed as an alternative. Media accrual and reconciliation is automatic! You'll be able to provide your clients with information about media purchases compared to actuals with variances.
  • Invoicing is as flexible as you can imagine with our standard and custom invoice options; provide the formats your clients demand without re-typing or manipulating them manually. View draft invoices first, then automatically email them in PDF format.
  • Statements of open receivables may be generated automatically and emailed to your clients with a single click.
We invite you to join us for a free tour and online demonstration of Client Billing and our suite of powerful Advantage Software tools.  Please call us today at (800) 841-2078 or email our Regional Sales Managers:  Dominique Lacerte - or Mike McGee -  We look forward to serving your agency needs soon!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Better Ad Agency Software for Client Budgeting & Forecasting

One of our best features in both the Advantage and Webvantage Agency Software programs from The Advantage Software Company is our better client budgeting and forecasting program. This amazing tool helps you to eliminate manual tasks like spreadsheets once and for all!

Client Budgeting & Forecasting are creative and powerful parts of our Advantage and Webvantage Agency Software programs!

Advertisers are looking for cost efficiencies in the advertising budget, and you have been asked to manage more with fewer resources. Stay on top of your company’s profitability and financial goals with Advantage’s client budgeting and forecasting tools.

Project profit for the year with incomparable ease and accuracy! Create and manage your client budgets using this comprehensive tool and eliminate manual spreadsheets once and for all. Historical data is available with a single click to aid in formulating more accurate budgets. Time-saving features make anything else seem obsolete! Flexible reporting and online ‘Desktop’ objects bring it all together for the final analysis.

Client Budget & Forecasting Key Features from Advantage Software:
  • Create unlimited budget variations.
  • Create budgets in summary or detail for all income and cost types.
  • Use special tools designed to simplify and expedite data entry.
  • Track revisions and approvals.
  • Report and analyze client budgets or forecasts vs. actual data in a variety of ways.
  • Use Agency Builder and Budget Viewpoint Desktop Objects to monitor your goals with up-to-the-second accuracy.
If you would like more information about Advantage and Webvantage Software, please contact us at 800-841-2078 or email Dominique Lacerte or Mike McGee

Friday, July 2, 2010

Advantage Software Online Time & Expense Entry Agency Software

Would the ability to enter job and project time and expenses quickly pique your curiosity?  What if every member of your agency could enter these from anywhere in the world?  Would that really pique your interest?

Web-based ad agency software from Advantage Software gives you freedom, empowerment, and flexibility  to correctly and accurately upload employee time spent on projects as well as actual expenses.  Then pull a report instantly!  Talk about simplicity for obtaining instant profitability reports on client projects!

We make it easy to track your most important asset. You can enter your time daily or weekly using your weekly template or your task list. Automatic features and defaults cut down on clicks and ensure accurate and timely results. Time is immediately posted to your job or fee account and compared to budget or project estimate. Variances are reported to account executives immediately! Advantage tracks missing time and sends e-mail reminders to keep you on schedule, and unapproved time is reported before it becomes a problem.

Expense Reports are entered online for billable or non-billable expenses, cash reimbursement and even expenses associated with a company credit card. View the status of your expense submissions any time.

Click here to view more details about this wildly-popular component of our Advantage Software suite of ad agency software products!  Plus you can call us at Toll Free at 800.841.2078 to request a free tour of our software!